Facing life with a smile!

Facing life with a smile!
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Selling My Lessons

I have posted my current lessons on the website www.teacherspayteachers.com

You don't have to be a teacher to sign up.  And you don't have pay for a membership unless you want to sell on the site.   Search for Seven Simple Sentences w Phrases and Clauses for Adults.   Just put the word Seven Simple Sentences in the search panel, and you'll get a lot of items about sentences.  Mine is different from the others because these particular lessons were designed for a group of adults who are returning to school to upgrade their reading and writing skills.  I invented my colour-code for a similar group of students.  It is $2.50.

The version for teachers has all the answers and parsing done for you: Seven Simple Sentences w Phrases and Clauses for Adults Teacher.  What you get is a pdf of 19 pages for $3.  You can download the sample ( only a few pages) for free.

I just cannot show all of the details in this blog.  The details just get lost.  For instance the I should be double-underlined in magenta, and the main verb is supposed to be double-underlined in sky blue.  The whole infinitive phrase from "to" to "Life" should have an additional double orange line under it.  The clause "what you mean" did show up correctly boxed, but the internal underlining isn't coloured.

       I see what you mean
       I like to go line dancing in Second Life at lunchtime.

I recommend double underlining the key pattern words.  If you find that you have made a mistake, you can highlight the correct word later.

This is the safest way I can think of to get them to you and maintain our mutual privacy.  Of course, I'm madly curious to know how you found my blog and why you are interested in grammar. 

Maybe I will feel braver later on.  I could put my email address on my profile.  You might pay me through PayPal by sending money to my email account.  If that would be acceptable to you, we could do that.  Please let me know what you think of this idea and of the lessons.

The reason that I am not giving these lesson away is that, as so many other people have experienced, I have no retirement plan apart from this.

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